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Early Malicious Activity Discovery in Microblogs by Social Bridges Detection." Limassol, Cyprus: 16th International Symposium on Signal Processing and Information Technology, 2016.
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DynamiCITY : Revealing city dynamics from citizens social media broadcasts." Information Systems (2017): -.
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Retweeting Activity on Twitter: Signs of Deception." In PAKDD (1), edited by Tru Cao, Ee-Peng Lim, Zhi-Hua Zhou, Tu-Bao Ho, David Cheung and Hiroshi Motoda, 122-134. Vol. 9077. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 9077. Springer, 2015.
PDF (1.87 MB)
Dataset+RTGEN code (116.02 MB)
Presentation (2.41 MB)

Dynamic Code Generation for Cultural Content Management." In Panhellenic Conference on Informatics, 21-24. IEEE Computer Society, 2010.
PDF (187.93 KB)
Community Detection in Social Media by Leveraging Interactions and Intensities." In WISE (2), edited by Xuemin Lin, Yannis Manolopoulos, Divesh Srivastava and Guangyan Huang, 57-72. Vol. 8181. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 8181. Springer, 2013.
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CityPulse: A platform prototype for smart city social data mining." Journal of the Knowledge Economy 7 (2016): 344-372.
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User communities evolution in microblogs: A public awareness barometer for real world events." World Wide Web (2015): 1269-1299.
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Massive Graph Management for the Web and Web 2.0." In New Directions in Web Data Management 1, edited by Athena Vakali and Lakhmi C. Jain, 19-58. Vol. 331. Studies in Computational Intelligence 331., 2011.
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Sentiment analysis leveraging emotions and word embeddings." Expert Systems with Applications 69 (2017): 214-224.
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ND-SYNC: Detecting Synchronized Fraud Activities." In Advances in Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, 19th Pacific-Asia Conference, PAKDD 2015, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, May 19-22, 2015, Proceedings, Part II, 201–214., 2015.
PDF (4.36 MB)
Dataset (1.96 MB)
Presentation (2.16 MB)

Capturing Social Data Evolution Using Graph Clustering." IEEE Internet Computing 17 (2013): 74-79.
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Co-Clustering Tags and Social Data Sources." In WAIM, 317-324. IEEE, 2008.
C59.pdf (412.23 KB)
SEMSOC: SEMantic, SOcial and Content-Based Clustering in Multimedia Collaborative Tagging Systems." In ICSC, 128-135. IEEE Computer Society, 2008.
"Towards a Framework for Social Semiotic Mining." In WIMS, edited by Rajendra Akerkar, Nick Bassiliades, John Davies and Vadim Ermolayev, 21. ACM, 2014.
"Exploring temporal aspects in user-tag co-clustering." In WIAMIS, 1-4. IEEE, 2010.
C72.pdf (380.69 KB)
In & out zooming on time-aware user/tag clusters." J. Intell. Inf. Syst. 38 (2012): 685-708.
"Integrating Web 20 Data into Linked Open Data Cloud via Clustering." In CEUR Workshop Proceedings ISSN 1613-0073, edited by S'oren Auer, Stefan Decker and Manfred Hauswirth. Vol. 700., 2010.
"Summarization Meets Visualization on Online Social Networks." In Web Intelligence, edited by Olivier Boissier, Boualem Benatallah, Mike P. Papazoglou, Zbigniew W. Ras and Mohand-Said Hacid, 475-478. IEEE Computer Society, 2011.
C85.pdf (225.88 KB)